October 17, 2019 First AGU Intercultural Workshop of 2019/2020!

06 Apr 2021

The Abdullah Gül University International Office and the AGU International Association (Student Club) have been hosting Intercultural Workshops with local high school students regularly since early 2018.

The objective of the AGU Intercultural Workshops is to give high school students the opportunity to discover new cultures and practice their English skills with foreigners. It is a great intercultural exchange opportunity for both Turkish high school students and AGU’s international students.

For the 9th session in total – and the first session of the new 2019-2020 academic year – Abdullah Gül University and Erciyes University students joined forces in order to present the Maghrebian (North-West African) country of…. ALGERIA !

Algeria, Cezayir, Flag

The workshop was hosted by AGU Algerian student Dhia El Hak Daamouche, as well as his compatriots studying in Erciyes University, Amjed Harkat and Houssem Boumeraf on October 16th, 2019 and welcomed participants from Erciyes Koleji high school students.

AGU Intercultural Workshop, Algeria, students, Dhia El Hak Daamouche, Amjed Harkat, Houssem Boumeraf, Abdullah Gül University, Erciyes University

Dhia, Amjed and Houssem were also supported by their classmates from the AGU International Association who helped organize and documented the event.


After a campus tour led by AGU International Office Director, Emeric Abrignani, for the Erciyes Koleji students, whose first time it was to visit the AGU campus, the participants were gathered into a common classroom for a brief introduction and short “quiz” on their international/intercultural experience.

Erciyes Koleji, high school students, campus tour, Abdullah Gül University, International Office Director, Emeric abrignani


Abdullah Gül University, AGU, Intercultural Workshop, Erciyes Koleji, Algeria

The group was then divided into three separate sessions, each led by one Algerian student in order to discuss various topics: the first group focused on General Facts (geography, population, languages and history), while the second covered Sports, Religion and Foods and the third discussed Culture and Music.


AGU Intercultural Workshop, Algeria, Geography

AGU Intercultural Workshop, Algeria, Culture, Music


AGU Intercultural Workshop, Algeria, Sports, Religion, Food


After teaching the students on these key cultural aspects and answering their questions, they were brought back into a plenary session in one classroom, in order to present their findings to their classmates.





This Intercultural Workshop on Algeria was not only the first of the 2019-2020 Academic year, but also our first collaboration with Erciyes Koleji! We look forward to welcoming them on the AGU campus and organizing more workshops with them.

Abdullah Gül University, Erciyes Koleji, Intercultural Workshops

Next week, AGU’s Kenyan community will host the next Intercultural Workshop. At the start of the session, our Algerian students will also meet with the high school students again to organize a Kahoot! quiz on what they have learned this week.

AGu ıntercultural Workshops, Algeria, Dhia El Hak Daamouche